
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Jambette jeu libre

Boredom is healthy

| Free playLearning

« Boredom is healthy [...], it forces children to find ways to amuse themselves and to get out of this state of boredom ». - Jambette's white paper. In order for children to engage in free play, they have to have the opportunity....

Read more Boredom is healthy
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Jouer au parc aide le cerveau des enfants pour l'école article par Jambette - garçon descendant un mur d'escalade au parc

Playing at the park helps the kids brain for school!

| Learning

The ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth is the most comprehensive assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada.  This year, the 2018 edition taught us that a growing body of research has begun to examine the benefits of childhood physical activity  in relation to brain health. 

Read more Playing at the park helps the kids brain for school!
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

4 faits surprenant sur l'effet du jeu sur le développement de l'enfant

4 surprising facts about the effect of play on child development

| Learning

There are many benefits to playing outdoors. Overall, it promotes the healthy development of body, heart and mind. In terms of motor development, the child who plays, and plays outdoors, discovers what his body is capable of and increases his physical abilities. Emotional expression is also central to play, relating to others, and fostering self-esteem and self-confidence. Moreover, good outdoor fun contributes positively to learning and academic success.

Read more 4 surprising facts about the effect of play on child development
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Astuce 4 - Ces astuces vous aideront à faire jouer et sortir vos enfants article par Jambette

These Tricks Will Help You to Get Your Children Out to Play !

| Learning

To play is essential for children, especially since a number of studies have shown that children play less, are outdoors less and are less healthy than previous generations. For the child, play is life at its best! Play contributes to the child’s growth in addition of providing the ideal backdrop for self-discovery and for discovering the world. It helps the child develop as he or she, at play, learns to change and adapt his or her own game.

Read more These Tricks Will Help You to Get Your Children Out to Play !
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

4 trucs pour les garderies et écoles afin de faire jouer et sortir les enfants article par Janbette

4 Tips for Daycares And Schools to Getting Children Out to Play

| Learning

A number of studies have shown that children play less, are outdoors less and are less healthy than previous generations. Leisure activities outdoors have decreased at an alarming rate in favour of time spent in front of televisions, computers, tablets and smartphones.Yet unstructured outdoor play, whether in nature, the backyard or at a park, not only gets children moving, but also helps them develop healthy lifestyle habits that will last a lifetime.

Read more 4 Tips for Daycares And Schools to Getting Children Out to Play
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