You can’t wait to take a first look at Jambette’s new 2023-2024 catalogue?
Our new leaflet is now available online: Zoom for the young explorers!
Read more You can’t wait to take a first look at Jambette’s new 2023-2024 catalogue?Our new leaflet is now available online: Zoom for the young explorers!
Read more You can’t wait to take a first look at Jambette’s new 2023-2024 catalogue?The new Nin-Ka line of playground products offers a range of obstacles for maximum fun!
Read more New Nin-Ka playground products: agility, speed and fun!Inauguration of Grand Parc Desjardins, July 13, 2022 Last July, we celebrated this outstanding association with Grand Village to provide enthusiastic campers with the nicest park around, an inclusive playground and a space that fosters greater accessibility and closer contacts between people, where everyone feels welcome.
Read more Grand ParcJambette is grateful for the new additions to our staff: more than 27 new colleagues joined our team in the last 24 months.
Read more Our new Jambette recruitsToday, seven members of our outstanding Jambette team gathered to attend the 21st edition of the prestigious Les Pléiades Gala - Awards of Excellence held at the Centre des congrès, in Lévis.
Read more Gala les Pléiades – 2022 Awards of ExcellenceA very special event: J-Day! Today, we gathered all our employees for a very special event. First, it meant a heartfelt get-together for some of our team members who had been teleworking for several months. Secondly, we had some major...
Read more THE JAMBETTE DAYOdd questions People often ask us when considering working at Jambette : Are we well treated? Are we supported in moving up in the company? Does management trust us? Is it fun? Jambette is proud to say that 39% of its employees have 10 years of...
Read more Jambette: an employer of choice in LévisJambette is much more than a manufacturer of playground equipment... Jambette is there for all the children of the world.
Read more Let’s join efforts to support the Ukrainian peopleVolte is a super climber that offers many possibilities to little adventurers who want to climb, hang, crawl or walk with balance.
Read more Volte: The newest addition to our line of super climbersPour Jambette, la saison hivernale est le moment privilégié pour revenir sur ses réalisations des douze derniers mois afin de bien préparer la prochaine saison de jeux! Voici donc 10 événements qui ont marqué l’entreprise et qui inspirent notre créativité pour les mois à venir.
Read more 10 bons coups Jambette, bilan à l’aube d’une nouvelle saison!