Archives for 2019

Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Jambette jeu libre

Boredom is healthy

| Free playLearning

« Boredom is healthy [...], it forces children to find ways to amuse themselves and to get out of this state of boredom ». - Jambette's white paper. In order for children to engage in free play, they have to have the opportunity....

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Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Capture D’écran 2019 09 09 à 08.42.42

Women in finance event's

| EventsEntreprise

Next Thursday, on September 12th , will be held the fourth edition of the Women in financeSymposium at the Plaza de Québec hotel, where our President Mrs. Marie-Noël Grenier willbe hosting the “MESDAMES, ÊTES-VOUS HEUREUSE?” workshop presented by...

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Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets


Going straight to the source to innovate better: The Adventure-Lab

| Free playEvents

Universally, children’s play has always existed, essential to life, balance, and their development. The child is a generator of endless ideas, a being with a boundless imagination, and a designer of the future. But when it comes to inventing what is best for the child, are we really listening?

Read more Going straight to the source to innovate better: The Adventure-Lab
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