
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Bateau de pirate jeu extérieur

Developing children's creativity through Jambette's playground equipment!

| Learning

Everyone plays, even adults. People are forever learning and building on their achievements, and everyone is creative in their own way! Adults who have already learned language concepts even enjoy playing with words. This type of play is an integral part of human creativity.

Read more Developing children's creativity through Jambette's playground equipment!
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

aire de jeux extérieur Jambette

10 Jambette playground equipment that promote motor skills

Gross motor skills include larger movements of the entire body. They correspond to 80% of a human being’s motor and sensory functions and are broken down into three subsets, moving (running, crawling, climbing, jumping, etc.), stationary (turning, pirouetting, pushing, sitting, getting up, etc.) and postural (balancing, swinging, walking on a balance beam, etc.)

Read more 10 Jambette playground equipment that promote motor skills
Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

Certaines règles de base pour une sortie au parc en toute sécurité !

| Latest newsLearning

Suite à un article très intéressant paru sur le site internet de l’organisme international PARACHUTE, voici quelques informations importantes à se rappeler !Quelques règles de base pour une sortie au parc en toute sécurité ! Vérifiez l’écriteau ou...

Read more Certaines règles de base pour une sortie au parc en toute sécurité !
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