Colours and galvanizing

antimicrobial paint, a first in the industry!
All coatings (paints) now applied to jambette equipment have antibacterial and antiviral properties.
A - Metallic elements
B - Moulded elements
C - Panels and additional elements
Lamination of three layers with a contrasting color in the center
D - Climbing holds
Should you select the Seaside Solution, a choice of colour for the metal components is required only for the play structure posts. With the Seaside Solution, all metal components other than the posts are hot-dip galvanized and thus no colour choice is required for these components.
Actual colours may vary from the colours shown above.
- A - Metallic elements
- B - Moulded elements
- C - Panels and additional elements
- D - Climbing holds
Actual colours may vary from the colours shown above.