Marie-Noël Grenier: A Visionary at Jambette

Claudia Carrier

Communication, adjointe de projets

| Entreprise


"Marie-Noël Grenier arrived at Jambette as a customer service student and never left. She slowly worked her way up, then bought shares. Twenty-five years later, she's the company's president, focusing on organizational structure, strategic development and culture." - Devenir Entrepreneur

A Quebec Success Story

Immerse yourself in her captivating story through a fascinating article from Devenir Entrepreneur. His inspiring leadership and quest for magical playgrounds are transforming our business and our industry.
"Jambette modules are so popular in Canada and the United States that we're on track to open a new factory in 2024. It will enable us to continue dreaming, growing and achieving our growth objectives." Marie-Noël Grenier.

A True Source of Pride

We are proud to celebrate Marie-Noël's remarkable impact. Every day, she helps build a world of play where dreams come true. Bravo, Marie-Noël, for your dedication!

Read the full French article here